Thomas Ravestein

Functional as well as aesthetically pleasing. Whether you use these for shooting or just to decorate the house the bows and arrows made by Thomas Ravestein tell the story of a weapon system that once was as common as cell phones are today. While now primarily reduced to one of many sport disciplines, archery plays a role in the history of almost any culture. Through crafting and selling these objects while also hosting various workshops, Tom Bows and Arrows aims to let people experience archery in its historical and anthropological context. Inspired by the ingenuity of the many cultures around the world these archery items are made with efficient use of local and traditional materials that are nowadays often overlooked and seen as waste like firewood, garden clippings, weeds, rubble and empty bottles. Through historically proven techniques these items can also be made with minimal tools if needed. Even today traditional bows and arrows make a viable option for those that want to practice archery while also allowing you to cherish the origin behind it.